What is the Most Popular Solopreneur Occupation in North Carolina? We Have the Results
Is 2020 the year where you become your own boss? It’s easier than you’d think and tons of people in your state are already making moves to ditch the 9 to 5 and become a solopreneur.
Business.org was curious about the most popular solopreneur jobs nationwide, so they made an awesome report on it of course. And what ended up being North Carolinas top solopreneur? A Nail Technician! For South Carolina, Cosomotiolist is number one.
Surprising (or maybe not) California’s top-ranked solopreneur job is social media influencer as well as Illinois and Texas. Estheticians had the most-searched solopreneur job in Hawaii (spa treatments clearly go hand in hand with paradise-seeking vacationers). People in Idaho and Utah seem to need a little extra encouragement;
life coaching came in first in both states. “Amazon seller” took first place in three states thousands of miles apart: Florida, Nevada, and New Jersey.
You can see the full list below courtesy of Buisness.org and more studies here. Seems we have a lot of creative people in the Carolinas!