Finally the list you’ve all been waiting for: Where does North Carolina rank among the “Daddest” dad states in the country? Well lucky for you, we found it.

Our friends over at put some good thought into figuring out what makes a state the most Dad. They put together an actually quite impressive list based on the following Dad factors:

  • The average amount spent yearly on children in each state
  • BBQ obsession
  • Interest in New Balance
  • The popularity of dad jokes

“There are a lot of things that make dads, well, dads. It’s not only fathering a child, but it’s parenting a child- and the weird set of daddisms that seems to go with it.”

So, if you’re wondering, Iowa is at the top of the list for most “Dad” state in the country. And in last place is Florida, sorry Sunshine state, your just not the “daddest” of them all.

North Carolina comes in at a comfortable 6 on the list, getting a big boost as the top state in the country for the amount of money spent on kids, at $17,666 per year. So hats off to all the hard-working North Carolina dad’s out there! We love you!

Here are the full “Daddest” dad states rankings:

  • 1. Iowa

    Dad States

  • 2. Nebraska

  • 3. Missouri

  • 4. Vermont

  • 5. Kansas

  • 6. North Carolina


  • 7. Delaware

  • 8. New Hampshire

  • 9. Tennessee

  • 10. South Carolina

  • 11. North Dakota


  • 12. Illinois

  • 13. Kentucky

  • 14. Arkansas

  • 15. Oklahoma


  • 16. Wyoming

  • 17. Alabama

  • 18. Texas

  • 19. Pennsylvania

  • 20. Alaska

  • 21. Maryland (Tie)

  • 21. Georgia (Tie)


  • 21. Maine (Tie)

  • 24. Colorado

  • 25. Michigan

  • 26. Ohio

  • 27. New York


  • 28. Indiana

  • 29. South Dakota

  • 30. New Jersey (Tie)

  • 30. Wisconsin (Tie)

  • 30. Louisiana (Tie)

    Dad and Kid

  • 33. Connecticut (Tie)

  • 33. Washington (Tie)

  • 35. Oregon (Tie)

  • 35. Virginia (Tie)

    Dad and Daughter

  • 37. Massachusetts

  • 38. Arizona (Tie)

  • 38. Idaho (Tie)

  • 38. Montana (Tie)


  • 41. Minnesota

  • 42. Nevada (Tie)

  • 42. New Mexico (Tie)

  • 44. California (Tie)

  • 44. Rhode Island (Tie)


  • 44. Utah (Tie)

  • 47. West Virginia

  • 48. Mississippi

  • 49. Hawaii

  • 50. Florida

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