These Are the Most Iconic Desserts in North and South Carolina
If it’s one thing that everyone knows about me, it’s that I LOVE sweets! Dessert is one of my favorite things and that’s probably not such a great thing, but oh well. Everything from cookies and cakes to ice cream and homemade treats. As I have gotten older, learning dessert recipes has been one of my favorite things to do. I truly enjoy being able to make desserts and see the smile on other people’s faces when they’re eating it. Desserts can vary from region to region. One thing about being born in Charleston is learning to make the infamous chewies was one of the best things I could do. It’s my FAVORITE dessert of all time. Now, North Carolina is new for me so what desserts are famous here?
The Daily Meal is naming the most iconic desserts in every state. These are the desserts that everyone in that area knows and possibly loves. Even if you don’t like them, you have certainly heard about them before. The list was made based on the state’s official dessert or what is searched more in that area. For North Carolina, the sweet potato pie took home the title. Now, we all love a good pie. But, that sweet potato is something serious! North Carolina is the #1 sweet potato-producing state in the U.S. so obviously the pie has to be some of the best you’ve ever had. When you’re in South Carolina, their iconic dessert is coconut cake. The coconut cake debuted in the Charleston area in 1997 and has been blessing the region ever since.
If you are a dessert girl like me then I am sure your sweet tooth is going quite insane right now. I think I might make me some Charleston Chewies soon! What’s your favorite dessert? Check out the full list here and see what other iconic desserts made this list.